What are Lumifacial and Lumi-lift?

The Revolutionary machine behind LUMIFACIAL AND LUMI-LIFT
The Soli-tone is the gold standard when it comes to regenerating and repairing the various layers of skin, the underlying muscle structure and dealing with other skin related problems. A revolutionary system that combines multiple technologies for a complete, fast, powerful and non-invasive response for all skin conditions.
What is a LUMIFACIAL ?
LumiFacial combines photo-modulation with pure spectrum wavelengths to treat acne, hyper-pigmentation, redness, and photo-aging.
What makes LUMIFACIAL different than others Regular LED Light Facials?
Soli-Tone is powered by extreme Super-Luminous LEDs which are more powerful, higher quality light source than regular LEDs. Each visible color is applied by pure narrow band ESLDs. With four hundred (400) ESLDs, the Soli-Tone is the most efficient and powerful unity available today.
It has a sophisticated design, integrating a fully adjustable ergonomic wrap around facial panel with the powerful action of 400 Extreme super-Luminous LEDs.
The pulsate RED light at a wavelength of 640 nanometers and use high power density to stimulate light absorbing photo-receptors in the skin to induce a cellular response.
Pulsed red light triggers a wave of energy that stimulates the fibroblasts cell functions and repair mechanisms.
Provides instant results after 1 treatment!
Is Lumifacial an invasive treatment?
No, Extreme Super-Luminous LEDs are noninvasive, pure polarized narrow band frequencies that are safer than natural sunlight because there are no harmful UV rays
.While the ESLDs are at work, the Soli-Tone transmits Micronized currents through the lifting electrodes. Harmonizing with the natural bioelectrical currents found in the body, they reconstruct or re-educate muscle tissue, achieving visble lifting results, restoring facial contour, and slowing the aging process. The easy-to-use computerized settings precisely deliver the best parameters for both Micronized currents and Photo-Modulation.
Why is light important?
Soli-Tone panel combines the interaction of 400 ESLDs:
Blue light at 470 nm (nanometers) improves acne prone skin through its purifying and antibacterial properties.
Green light at 525 nm reduces pigmentation by penetrating into the basal layers.
Yellow light at 590 nm treats redness and is also used for its soothing, draining and detoxifying properties. Absorbed by the body fluids, it improves the lymph and blood circulatory system.
Red light at 640 nm increases collagen production fivefold in the skin, triggering repair mechanisms and stimulating fibroblast cells and cell growth.
Each color is photo-modulated, in a pulsed or constant mode, insuring specific focus and delivery of the correct light at the location of the problem. After treatment, the unit shuts off by itself, freeing the operator to provide other services for the clients.
How long do results last?
Results are immediate after 1 session and last up to 3 months. This treatment is accumulative, for best results a session of 6 is recommended every 4 weeks with results lasting 18 months.

What is the LumiLift?
Soli-Tone works from the inside... out
The LumiLift® treatment is a complete photo-rejuvenation procedure that combines the effects of Light energy, Micronized currents and HF Polarized currents to produce skin rejuvenation that is safe, comfortable, and effective.
Aging occurs on three levels: epidermal, dermal, and in the muscle tissue beneath, producing dehydration lines, dull and lifeless complexion, expression wrinkles, deep wrinkles around the lips, frown lines, sagging jowls, and nasolabial fold. Soli-Tone reaches down into all three levels to rejuvenate skin tissue and lift muscles, erasing years... something that light alone cannot do
How does the LumiLift® work?
During treatment, two specially designed lifting electrodes, each with forty (40) powerful Superluminous Diodes (SLDs)—more powerful and of higher quality than regular LEDs—pulsate light at a wavelength of 640 nanometers and use high power density to stimulate light absorbing photo-receptors in the skin to induce a cellular response.
Pulsed red light triggers a wave of energy that stimulates the fibroblasts cell’s to produce more collagen. The increased production of collagen smoothes and softens the appearance of wrinkles, reduces the size of pores, and improves skin texture. At the same time, electrodes emit Micronized currents to tone and lift sagging muscles.
What are Micronized currents?
Micronized currents are non-invasive. They stimulate and resemble the biological currents that your body produces to tighten muscles. Extensive clinical research has shown that these currents are able to lift and tone the muscles.
Superluminous Diodes
Unlike Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Lasers that rely on thermal injuries to prompt the skin to repair itself, Superluminous Diodes are non-invasive, pure, polarized narrowband frequencies that are safer than natural sunlight because there are no harmful UV rays.
While the ESLDs are at work, the Soli-Tone transmits Micronized currents through the lifting electrodes. Harmonizing with the natural bioelectrical currents found in the body, they reconstruct or re-educate muscle tissue, achieving visible lifting results, restoring facial contour, and slowing the aging process. The easy-to-use computerized settings precisely deliver the best parameters for both Micronized currents and photo-energy.
During the last part of the LumiLift® treatment, HF Polarized currents are applied by two smoothing electrodes. The aesthetician uses a gentle, ironing motion to smooth away fine lines and wrinkles.
Pre-programming delivers HF Polarized current at the optimum intensity. The aesthetician simply selects the desired treatment—face, eyes, chest or hands—and the Soli-Tone chooses the right parameters to achieve maximum results for each skin type.
How many treatments will I need?
Generally, 6-10 treatments achieve optimal results, however, age, lifestyle, and skin condition will influence the number of treatments needed.
How long will the effects of the LumiLift procedure last?
Improvements continue for at least three months after a single session. After completing a series, depending on the rate of the aging process, changes can last over one year. A good skin care regimen combined with a monthly maintenance treatment is sufficient to enhance and maintain the result of obtained with the LumiLift treatment.
Fact: Red light stimulates the fibroblasts cell's functions and repair mechanisms.
Fact: Micronized currents reconstruct and re-educate muscle tissue, stretching or tightening as necessary, achieving visible lifting results, restoring facial contour and slowing the aging process.
Fact: HF polarized currents smooth away wrinkles & facilitate product infusion.
simultaneous application of LumiLift and LumiFacial mutually enhances their individual effectiveness, promoting cellular rejuvenation from within